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{COMMO} 5.3 Addendum
This Addendum contains the major additions and/or changes to the
{COMMO} 5.2 documentation. Print out this file and keep it with
your printed manual.
In the User Guide and Reference
Under "Command Line Options"
/vnnnnn Size of String Variable Space.
The size of String Variable Space can be adjusted from 512
bytes to 65535 bytes. The default is 1536 bytes. Example:
/v3000 will set the size to 3000 bytes.
Setup File changes/additions
{sld=no} Stop serial input during disk I/O (yes/no)
This should be set to "yes" if your system drops characters
when a disk (hard or floppy) is accessed. The symptoms are
missing characters in the Terminal Screen when capture is on
or excessive CRC/csum errors during internal protocol file
This is equivalent to what some programs call "handshake
slow." In {COMMO} it works in conjunction with Hardware
Flow Control (RTS/CTS), so both {COMMO} and your modem must
have Hardware Flow Control engaged.
If you use an external protocol driver be sure to set the
"handshake slow" parameter in that program as well.
{com=1,3f8,4} Com1 port address/IRQ
{com=2,2f8,3} Com2 port address/IRQ
{com=3,3e8,4} Com3 port address/IRQ
{com=4,2e8,3} Com4 port address/IRQ
These are the hardware serial port base address and IRQ
assignments. The settings shown are the most common, but
some serial adapters are different. The serial adapter
manual may give a range of addresses, for example "3f8-3ff."
Use the first value as the base address.
Port addresses are in hexadecimal and may range from 0 to
ffff. IRQ numbers are decimal and may range from 0 to 15
(avoid use of IRQ numbers that are used by system hardware,
e.g., 0, 1, 8, etc.). IRQ numbers from 8 to 15 are
available only on AT class machines.
{set _dialsr,CONNECT} Dialing success response(s)
Dialing failure response(s)
{set _dialir,RING} Inter-dial response(s)
These reserved variables each define a list of response
strings that are returned by your modem during dialing
operations. Most "Hayes compatible" modems use similar
responses, but there may be subtle differences. Consult
your modem manual for details.
"Success" responses are received when the modem has
connected with a remote modem. "Failure" responses occur
when the number being called is busy, doesn't answer or when
something is wrong with the telephone line. {COMMO} will
automatically redial the number after a failed attempt.
Inter-dial Delay responses may occur during the delay
between dialing attempts, usually when someone is trying to
call you. These may be handled by using the Inter-dial
Delay macro label in the DIAL macro function. See the Macro
Programming Guide for details.
Some modems use a CARRIER response to indicate the modem
speed, e.g. CARRIER 2400. In this case using CARRIER
instead of CONNECT will improve the accuracy of the Usage
Log. In order to avoid confusion with a NO CARRIER
response, you should use:
{set _dialsr,CARRIER } Notice the space after CARRIER.
Do not include the speed in the CONNECT or CARRIER response
if you are enabling AutoBaud.
Responses are case sensitive and there should be no null
strings or extra spaces.
{swp=} Pathname for Swap to Disk File
This file will be used to save the program and data during a
Swap to Disk. You may optionally Swap to Disk when using
the Shell to DOS key command or the EXECute macro function.
It's a good idea to use a unique filename. For example:
IMPORTANT: You must also specify the "S" switch on any
EXECute or SHELl macro functions where swapping is desired.
Before using this feature, read the section "Using the Swap
to Disk switch, EXEC-S" under EXECute in the Macro
Programming Guide.
{dat=mdy} Order of date parameters (m=month,d=day,y=year)
This item allows you to specify any order for the three date
parameters. The default shown would display May 20, 1992 as
05/20/92. "ymd" would display as 92/05/20.
This format will appear in the Date Last Called field of the
Dialing Directory, the Usage Log and the built-in variable
{tim=12} Time format (12/24 hour)
You can specify 12 or 24 hour time format. 12 hour will add
"am" or "pm" as in "2:30 pm". 24 hour would show the same
time as "14:30".
The time format appears on the Status Line, in the Usage Log
and in the built-in variable "_tim".
{gdc=} Graphic display characters
This item allows you to specify the graphic characters used
by {COMMO} to form the various display windows and is
provided for compatibility with display adapters used in
certain countries.
When using this item, eleven ASCII character codes may be
listed (omitted fields will revert to the defaults). Codes
are specified as decimal numbers from 1 to 255 (0, 10 and 13
are not allowed).
As an example, here is how the default characters would be
213 = upper left box corner
184 = upper right box corner
212 = lower left box corner
190 = lower right box corner
205 = horizontal line
179 = vertical line
185 = left side of box title
204 = right side of box title
176 = file window title fill
250 = input fill and password hiding
177 = Online Help separator bar
Under "Uploading/Downloading"
When you press PgUp or PgDn you will be presented with a menu
from which you may select a file transfer protocol. Protocols
provide the ability to transfer (send and receive) any type of
data using error detection and correction techniques.
The PgUp and PgDn menus are implemented using {COMMO}'s powerful
Macro Processor which enables you to execute internal and
external protocols easily and seamlessly. You may alter these
macros to suit your individual needs.
Internal Protocols
{COMMO} provides a number of variations on the Xmodem and Ymodem
protocols which afford you varying degrees of convenience, speed
and security.
Xmodem is the most basic protocol, sending data one block at a
time and waiting for a response to each block. If the block was
received with errors, the receiver requests retransmission. A
filename must be supplied at both ends of the transfer (they need
not be the same).
Ymodem adds the capability of batch (multi-file) transfers. It
also sends the name and size of each file just prior to
transmission of the file (the receiver does not supply any
NOTE: If an incoming filename matches an existing filename in
the target directory, the batch transfer will be cancelled. You
can force overwriting of like-named files by adding the "Y"
switch to the Ymodem macros.
There are a number of variations which apply to both Xmodem and
Ymodem. You should choose the best variations depending upon
which protocols are offered by the remote system you are calling
(and whether or not you have an error-correcting modem).
CRC This is a very reliable block-check method and
should be used whenever possible.
Csum This block-check method is not as reliable and
should not be used unless there is no other
1k byte block size The larger block size is much more
efficient and is preferred unless
noisy lines are causing a lot of
block retransmissions.
128 byte block size The small block size should be used
only when there is no other option
or on noisy lines.
G The "G" method eliminates the receiver's response
to each block and is much faster. It still
performs error checking, but not error recovery.
Therefore it should only be used with an error-
correcting modem or on a direct connection between
When an error is encountered, the transfer will be
cancelled. Partial files will be kept. The "G"
method always uses CRC and 1k blocks.
Software (XON/XOFF) Flow Control may be required
by some remote systems and/or public networks. If
you get frequent errors when using the "G" method,
make sure Software Flow Control is on.
IMPORTANT: The macros that support the internal protocols are
set up for the most common situations. Many variations are
possible by modifying these macros. Please refer to descriptions
of the functions RXMOdem, RYMOdem, SXMOdem and SYMOdem in the
Macro Programming Guide for details.
In the Macro Programming Guide
A Macro Example in Detail
The following macro example from SAMPLES.MAC can be used to log
in to many types of Bulletin Board Systems. This is a Linked
Macro, so the label "login" would appear in the Dialing Directory
macro field for each system that uses it. When you dial and
connect to one of the systems, {COMMO} will automatically GOTO
the macro.
The subroutine "gls" (generic login subroutine) can also be
called from macros that perform mailruns and other BBS
Note that labels and functions may be placed side by side on the
same line (up to 255 characters). For purposes of this example
each item is placed on its own line.
The main routine at "login" performs some initial functions and
then calls the subroutine at "gls". The subroutine looks for
various prompts, responds to them and terminates after responding
to the "password" prompt.
The entry point. All labels begin with a ":".
{capture y,c:\commo\commo.cap}
"y" means open the Capture File. The pathname of the
file is specified here, otherwise the current file
would be opened.
{asci ,}
Set ASCII Upload to "no pacing."
{call gls}
CALL the macro at "gls". When the subroutine executes
a RETUrn, control will come back here.
STOP and resume manual operation in the Terminal
Screen. Without this STOP processing would continue
into subsequent macros. Remember that labels are
"passed over" during sequential macro processing.
The entry point of the "gls" subroutine.
{setlook 60,hng,10,|}
This function specifies parameters that go into effect
whenever a LOOKfor executes. It tells the Macro
Processor to wait up 60 seconds for the string (or
strings) and to GOTO the label "hng" if none of the
strings appear within that time. The timer is
restarted each time a LOOKfor begins to execute.
The SETLook also specifies that a "|" (carriage return)
should be sent to the modem whenever 10 seconds have
elapsed and no characters are received. This is used
to respond to prompts that are not explicitly specified
in CALOoks, LOOKfors, etc. (e.g., "Press any key to
Use this latter facility with care since a BBS may
spend time processing and not actually be expecting
input from the caller. The carriage returns sent will
accumulate and be used to satisfy later prompts,
causing things to get out of "sync." Adjust the 10
second timeout as needed.
{calo li1,li2,(enter)}
The CALOok remembers a string to look for, but does not
wait for the string (only a LOOKfor can do the actual
waiting). In this case the string "(enter)" is
remembered. The label "li2" is the macro to be CALLed
when the string appears. "li1" is the label to return
to when the macro executes a RETUrn.
When any of the remembered strings appear, the strings
are all "forgotten." Thus the CALOok is told to return
to "li1" where all the strings can be set up again.
{calo li1,li3,graphics (enter)}
{calo li1,li4,first name}
{calo li1,li5,last name}
{calo li1,li3,is this correct}
More CALOoks are used to set up more strings to look
{golo li1,;passwor}
A GOLOok will set up a string and GOTO the label if the
string appears (only one label is used here). In this
example the specified string is to be ignored. This
was needed for a BBS that used the string
"first;last;password" prior to the actual password
{lookfor password}
This is where the actual "looking" takes place.
Remember that CALOoks and GOLOoks only cause strings to
be remembered but do not actually wait for the strings.
The LOOKfor will wait for the string specified and also
any other remembered strings (up to 16 total). If the
string in the LOOKfor appears, control passes to the
next macro function. All strings are "forgotten" when
any one of them appears, or if the LOOKfor timer
"password" is assumed to be the last prompt in the
login sequence.
{send ~%_pas|}
Control then passes here and the string is sent to the
modem. The tilde (~) causes a half-second delay before
sending the password. The password in the Dialing
Directory entry was stored into the built-in variable
"_pas" when dialing began.
Finally, a carriage return (|) is sent.
This will RETUrn to the "login" macro.
{send ~|}
If a prompt requires a carriage return (|) to be sent,
the CALOok would set up to come here.
The return point ("li1") was the first argument of the
CALOok, so control returns there.
{send ~y|}
This is used to reply to prompts that are to be
answered with "y<cr>".
{send ~Fred|}
Response to "first name".
{send ~Brucker|}
Response to "last name".
New or changed function descriptions
Default key: none
Description: Subtract a number from a numeric variable.
{decr count} Subtract 1 from the variable "count".
{decr apples,200} Subtract 200 from "apples".
Numeric variables and the numbers to be subtracted may range from
0 to 65535. The default number is 1.
If the result is less than 0 or if either argument is out of
range, then the variable will be set to the string "ERROR".
If the variable is not numeric, the results will be
See also INCRement.
Default keys: Alt-D, Alt-N
Description: Open Dialing Directory, dial marked systems.
General form:
{DIAL tries,label1,label2}
tries The maximum number of dialing tries. If no
connection is established when the try count
is exhausted, the macro in the second
argument will be started. May be 0 to 999.
"0" means unlimited. Default is 0.
label1 A macro to GOTO if the try count in the first
argument is exhausted. If no macro is
specified or if the macro label is invalid,
control will pass to the next function.
Default is none.
If the "C" switch is used, the macro will be
CALLed. When a RETUrn is executed, control
will return to the DIAL function.
label2 A macro to GOTO when a response is matched
during the Inter-dial Delay. Response
strings are listed in the reserved variable
"_dialir" and are usually defined in the
Setup File.
If the "C" switch is used, the macro will be
CALLed. When a RETUrn is executed, control
will return to the DIAL function.
C1 or C Specifies that macros will be started via
CALL (instead of GOTO). When the macros
execute a RETUrn, control returns to the DIAL
function and Multi Number Dialing will
The "C" switch applies to the Linked Macro
(from the Dialing Directory), the "tries
exhausted" macro and to the Inter-dial Delay
C0 Start dialing macros via GOTO (default).
{dial} Open Dialing Directory window (similar
to Alt-D).
{dial ,} Multi Number Dial (similar to Alt-N).
{dial 25,abc} Multi Number Dial with try count.
{dial-C ,} Multi Number Dial, CALL Linked Macros.
{dial-c ,,inter} Multi Number Dial with Inter-dial Delay
Marking Numbers for Dialing
Numbers may be marked in one of several ways:
1) Manually in the Dialing Directory window.
2) By placing Dialing Strings on the {COMMO} command line.
3) Using the MARK macro function.
Marked numbers will be redialed in sequence. If a connection
occurs and a valid Linked Macro is specified in the Dialing
Directory, the macro will be started via GOTO (unless the "C"
switch is present). If no macro is specified in the Dialing
Directory, control is passed to the next function.
If no numbers are marked when executing the DIAL, control will
pass to the next function.
Automatic Resumption of Dialing
Here are two methods for resuming at the end of a Linked Macro.
Both allow multiple systems to be called without operator
1) Use the "C" switch on the DIAL function. Each Linked
Macro should end with a RETUrn which will transfer
control back to the DIAL. When all numbers have been
called, control will pass to the function following the
2) At the end of each Linked Macro (after logging off),
GOTO a macro such as this:
{:nocar} {pause 1} {ifcarrier nocar} {dial ,} {}
This ensures that carrier has dropped before DIALing
the next number. The PAUSe allows data to display on
the screen while waiting for carrier to drop.
Testing Success and Failure Results
Details about a successful or failed dialing attempt are
available in several reserved variables (see Appendix B "List of
Reserved Variables" for complete descriptions):
_dtc Dialing termination code
_dialrt Dialing response text
_mod Speed reported by modem (normally in the CONNECT
or CARRIER response)
After a successful attempt the variables "_dialrt" and "_mod" may
be tested in your Linked Macro. For example, if you expected a
high-speed connect and the speed reported was 2400 or 1200, then
you may want to hang up and try again later.
You can get control after each failed attempt by using "DIAL 1",
with or without a macro. For example:
1) {dial-c 1,nocon} ...
The Linked Macro and the "no connect" macro will be
CALLed (the "C" switch). The variables "_dtc" and
"_dialrt" may be tested in the macro at "nocon".
2) {dial 1} ...
Control will pass to the next function if a dialing
attempt fails or when no more systems are marked (test
"_dtc" to determine which).
If the testing indicates that the system should not be dialed
again (e.g., it did not answer, _dtc = 3), the UNMArk function
can be used with the "L" switch to unmark the last number dialed:
Handling Incoming Calls
Most modems return the string "RING" when a call comes in. If
this happens during the Inter-dial Delay, you may choose to stop
dialing (to answer a voice call) or to send a brief message to a
modem caller (during a BBS event, for example).
Use "label2" on the DIAL function to process responses during the
Inter-dial Delay. For example:
{dial ,,incoming}
The macro at "incoming" will execute if the modem sends an Inter-
dial Delay response string.
See also: SETDial, MARK, UNMArk.
Default key: none
Description: Divide a numeric variable by a number.
{divi space,1024} Divide "space" by 1024.
Numeric variables may range from 0 to 65535, the divisors may
range from 1 to 65535. The default divisor is 1.
The named variable will be set to the quotient, the built-in
variable "_rem" will be set to the remainder.
If the divisor is zero or if either argument is out of range,
then the variable will be set to the string "ERROR".
If the variable is not numeric, the results will be
EXECute (excerpts pertaining to Swap to Disk)
Default key: none
Description: Execute a DOS command.
S1 or S Swap to Disk before executing the program
(see details below).
S0 Do not swap to disk (default).
Using the Swap to Disk Switch: EXEC-S
The "S" switch will direct {COMMO} to write the program and
associated data to the disk file specified with the Setup File
item "swp=" (under "Paths and Files"). This will free up between
50k and 180k of memory, depending on the sizes of your Scrollback
Buffer, Dialing Directory and Macro File.
If the Swap File cannot be opened or there is not enough disk
space for the swap, the EXECute (or SHELl) will be attempted
without swapping. When the program or shell exits back to
{COMMO}, the program and data will be restored from the disk
file. Any errors in this process will cause {COMMO} to exit to
TIPS on using Swap to Disk:
> The serial port will be closed during the swap (normally it
is left open to receive characters during EXECute and
SHELl). To avoid losing any data swapping should be
initiated when the remote system is quiet (or when you are
> Use Swap to Disk when running major applications such as
external protocol drivers, offline mail readers, etc. Using
it with internal DOS functions (DEL, COPY, REN, etc.) or
very small programs is inefficient and unnecessary.
> If possible, specify the Swap File on a RAMDISK. This will
speed up the swap considerably. A ramdisk program is
supplied with DOS (RAMDRIVE.SYS or VDISK.SYS) or you can
obtain one from a BBS.
> Be sure to specify a complete pathname for the Swap File.
> Do not run any TSR (resident) programs when swapping is in
effect. Doing so may result in a swap error.
Default key: none
Description: Add a number to a numeric variable.
{incr count} Add 1 to the variable "count".
{incr oranges,1234} Add 1234 to "oranges".
Numeric variables and the numbers to be added may range from 0 to
65535. The default number is 1.
If the result is greater than 65535 or if either argument is out
of range, then the variable will be set to the string "ERROR".
If the variable is not numeric, the results will be
See also DECRement.
Default key: none
Description: Multiply a numeric variable by a number.
{mult money,10} Multiply "money" by 10.
Numeric variables and the multipliers may range from 0 to 65535.
The default multiplier is 1.
If the result is greater than 65535 or if either argument is out
of range, then the variable will be set to the string "ERROR".
If the variable is not numeric, the results will be
Default key: none
Description: Receive a file using the Xmodem protocol.
See RYMOdem (switches are the same).
{rxmo-ya c:\dl\file.zip} Receive "file.zip", overwrite
the file if it exists, sound
the alarm.
Only one file may be received with each RXMOdem function (the
file must be explicitly named, but need not be given the same
name as on the remote system).
See RYMOdem for tips that apply to both RXMOdem and RYMOdem.
See also SXMOdem, RYMOdem.
Default key: none
Description: Receive files using the Ymodem Batch protocol.
C1 or C Use CRC error correction (default).
C0 Use Checksum error correction.
G1 or G Use streaming (fast) transfer method.
IMPORTANT: Use only with error-correcting
modems or direct connections between
G0 Use normal (error correcting) transfer method
Y1 or Y Overwrite an existing file when a received
file has the same name (the existing file
will be erased).
Y0 Cancel the transfer if a received file has
the same name as an existing file (default).
D1 or D Cancel transfer if carrier detect is lost
D0 Ignore state of carrier detect.
A1 or A Sound the alarm at the end of the transfer.
A0 Do not sound the alarm (default).
W Wait for a keypress at end of transfer.
Wn Wait for "n" seconds, "n" may range from 0 to
999. Press a key to cancel the wait.
Note: Default (no "W" switch) is no wait.
{rymo-ya %dldir} Receive files into the download
directory, overwrite a file if it
exists, sound the alarm.
{rymo-gw3} Receive files using the "G" method into
the current directory. Wait 3 seconds
before returning to the Terminal Screen.
Ymodem is a "batch" protocol that will receive multiple files.
Filenames are transmitted by the sender and are used to name
files at the receiving end. A filename "collision" will cause
the transfer to cancel unless the "Y" switch is used. File sizes
are also transmitted by the sender and are used to truncate the
file to the proper size.
TIPS on using RYMOdem and RXMOdem:
> The "G" method is specified by the receiver. Be sure that
the sender allows it before starting.
> Block size is established by the sender and may be changed
on a block-by-block basis (always 1024 when the "G" method
is used).
> Some conditions that will cancel a transfer:
1) 10 consecutive errors.
2) Any error when "G" method is used.
3) The file to be received already exists and the "Y"
switch is not present.
4) The sender has transmitted CAN (^X) characters.
> The Exit Code (test with IFER) will be set at the end of the
transfer. The Exit Code will also be stored in the variable
"_err". 0 means success, 1 means failure.
> If the Usage Log is enabled, an entry will be made after
each file is transferred (or if a transfer is cancelled).
See also SXMOdem, RYMOdem.
Default key: none
Description: Set parameters for dialing.
{setdial 60,15} Set the dialing cycle timer to 60
seconds and the Inter-dial Delay to
15 seconds.
{setd ,3} Change only the Inter-dial Delay
The first argument is the dialing cycle time limit. This is the
amount of time {COMMO} will allow after sending the dial command
to the modem. Range is from 1 to 999.
The second argument is the inter-dial delay timer. This is the
amount of time before {COMMO} dials the next number. Range is
from 1 to 999.
NOTE: Changes to dialing parameters override the Setup File
values and remain in effect until {COMMO} is exited.
See also DIAL.
Default key: Alt-S
Description: Shell to DOS.
S1 or S Swap to disk before shelling to DOS (see
details under EXECute, "Using the Swap to
Disk Switch").
S0 Do not swap to disk (default).
{shell} No arguments.
{shell-s} Swap to disk before shelling to DOS.
Default key: none
Description: Set state of hardware signals.
D1 or D Set DTR high.
D0 Set DTR low.
R1 or R Set RTS high.
R0 Set RTS low.
{signal-d0r1} Turn off DTR, turn on RTS.
The "D" and "R" switches are used to control the RS-232C signals
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) and RTS (Request To Send). The default
for each switch is to leave the signal unchanged. Use these with
care due to interaction with Hardware Flow Control, etc.
Default key: none
Description: Send a file using the Xmodem protocol.
See SYMOdem (switches are the same).
{sxmo-ka c:\ul\file.zip} Send "file.zip" using 1024
byte block size, sound the
Only one file may be sent with each SXMOdem function.
See SYMOdem for tips that apply to both SXMOdem and SYMOdem.
See also RXMOdem, SYMOdem.
Default key: none
Description: Send a file using the Ymodem Batch protocol.
K1 or K Use 1024 byte block size (Xmodem-1k).
K0 Use 128 byte block size (default).
D1 or D Cancel transfer if carrier detect is lost
D0 Ignore state of carrier detect.
A1 or A Sound the alarm at end of transfer.
A0 Do not sound the alarm (default).
W Wait for a keypress at end of transfer.
Wn Wait for "n" seconds, "n" may range from 0 to
999. Press a key to cancel the wait.
Note: Default (no "W" switch) is no wait.
{symo-ka %uldir\*.zip} Send all .ZIP files in the
upload directory using 1024
byte block size, sound the
{symo-k c:\subdir\*.*,@c:\ul\file.lst,info.txt,a:*.qw?}
Send all files listed using
1024 byte block size.
Any combination of file specifications may be listed in the
SYMOdem function (separated with commas). These may include
wildcard specifiers (*,?), the indirect file specifier (@) and
any single files.
If a filespec is preceded with the "@" sign, it will be assumed
to be an "indirect file." This means that it is a text file
containing a list of filespecs. Filespecs should be listed one
per line and each line should end with a cr/lf. Each filespec
may contain wildcards. For example:
TIPS on using SYMOdem and SXMOdem:
> CRC vs. Csum mode is established by the receiver.
> Use of "G" method is established by the receiver.
> Some conditions that will cancel a transfer:
1) 10 consecutive errors.
2) Any error when "G" method is used.
3) The receiver has transmitted CAN (^X) characters.
> The Exit Code (test with IFER) will be set at the end of the
transfer. The Exit Code will also be stored in the variable
"_err". 0 means success, 1 means failure.
> If the Usage Log is enabled, an entry will be made after
each file is transferred (or if a transfer is cancelled).
See also RYMOdem, SXMOdem.
- end -